Saturday, July 28, 2007
We had a very good day in the park by the college today. I prayed a lot and talked to a few girls. Pray for a good day tomottow.
hallo, today was a very wet day because it rained last night so there wasnt too many people in the park. but it was still a good day because i got to pr walk and i connected to father in a way i havent this week. i pr ed for like 3. 5 hours adn i just gave everything up to father and i have such a peace now. keep us in your prs. love yall
Hey everyone! Today Father thaught me a lot about myself. For instance, sometimes I just need to be steel & see what he has to say. chow!
hallo von Koln. i had a wonderful day today. i didnt meet anyone today. i had a day of pr and just walked around. today was so beautiful and father showed me a lot through pr. well i will see you next week.
hey, today was different. but good different. with today being a saturday and it was chilly all day. there were not manhy people in the park. i didnt talk to anyone but i was able to spend a lot of time in pr. it was a really refreshing day and im anxious for tomorrow. write you then
Another day with the Father. Our sc was so great today so many people open up you could our Father moving in our hearts. Today i met a girl at the park we talked for a hour she is going to law school. She went to church but said that ther are hardly anyone that does, please pray for germany.
Hallo! There weren't really any people at our park today because the campus was closed, but it was a good day for prayer. I've realized I need to rely on Father more to direct my prayers and conversation. Yesterday afternoon my right knee started hurting, and weather, and activity in the park tomorrow. I love you guys so much. I don't know what i'd do wothout your prayers and love.
Today was a little different. We prayer walked all day and refocused since the university was closed. However it was what Father wanted us to do. Why? I'll have to wait until I get back. Then i'll tell you. Thanks for the prayers.
Hey guys! I had the most amazing experience today. I got to play soccer with a group of german guys. They where all alder than me but very good. I scored the only point on my team! I was able to start witnessing to one of the guys but we had to go. I love & miss yall.
Halo! Today was amazing!!! I didn't talk to anyone particular but I am content with that! I had a spectacular quiet time today after our sc group with the blue trek team. Father is really speacking to me and showing me a lot of things! I found a ton of great verses and really was impacted by them. We ate at another doener lace and I enjoyed a lamb sandwich and chips, well fries! Yummy lamb! I have enjoyed trying the foods! The cars here and tiny, I don't know if i told you. Like smaller than my geo! HAHA! So tomorrow is the last day at our site, then monday we shop. Then tuesday plane time. I love you and miss you!
Friday, July 27, 2007
AC Bridge City, TX
Hallo! Today God showed me several things, mostly not to fear, becauswe ya know I do have the creator on my side and everything. I helped an elderly lady pick berries to cook with for a hospital where she gets paid and she gives it to sick children. God's amazing!
LMN Lubbock, TX
We talked to students at the park today. They are friendly and are very willing to talk about the school. I am trying to get more comortable in bringing my faith into a conversation. Pray that I will have good conversations tomorrow.
HG Alvard, TX
Hey! Today we went back to the park adn talked to more people. I walked with this girl Rachel and we atually had the chance to talk to somme girls about religion and they were Lutheran. It was pretty exciting. Can't wait for tomorrow. Love and miss you guys!
ACV Big Lake
Gueten Tag! Today, as usual, was great. Hayley and I talked to one girl today for about 2 and a half hours. She doesn't believe, so pray that God will continue to make her broken. Continue keeping everyone over here in your prayers! Tschuss! (see you later!)
MC Cleburn
Today was great I decided to stop back and watch God work, a scripture in Acts stood out today that I needed to watch over the flock and lead, I did meet a wonderful lady who was a believer in Christ. Please pray that she will find a church that will bring her closer to God.
TBB Early, TX
Hi! So we didn't have much excitement today...only a few conversations. Our guys had a great day; pray for them. Pray that God will bring us someone to talk to tomorrow. It is supposed to be cold, but God can do anything! Love you guys!
HMH San Angelo, TX
Halo! I went out again today with Allison and we met three girls! We didn't have as many conversations as we did yesterday but the Lord blessed us with the ones we did have! I am having a blast and truly enjoying this cultural exchange! It's amazing going up to people and being able to talk to them. We are eating at another Doner shop right now and I'm eating a lamb sandwich with a Cola. When we go back, Allison, Trae, Me and Emmitt play cards. Last night we started our prase ten game...we will finish tonight. I love you, miss you too! Updates tomorrow! Later/tschuss.
RP Dickinson, TX
Halo von Koln! I am having a wonderful time here in German. I had some opportunities to atlk to at least 5 girls and a guy...Don't worry the gy was with the 3 girls, but we got to have a great friendship they wanted us to hang out but we said we had to stay at the university they were awesome. well I love you and I'll see you later.
Corrigen, TX
Hey guys! Today we talked to the same guy. He has to go on vacation until monday. He still doesn't believe in God existing but we are going to talk to him again. so pray for him.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
T.B.B. early
today was our first day to actually talk to people. me and another girl walked arouned most of the day trying to find someone. we finally found 3 gils that go to college here. we talked for nearly an hour. but we learned so much about each other. two of the girls say they go to church some on special times like christmas but not much. the other girl said she didnt really have any religion. please pr for them and also that we will meet some one new tomorrow. love you! thanks bunches!
H.M.H. san angelo
hallo, today was another amazing day. we got to talk to people today. the results were tremendous. i partnered up with A from big lake and we talked ot several girls. one was 3 girls. then we talked to 3, then 1, and our last group was 2 girls. we have 2 times set up for tomorrow to meet with 2 of the groups and we are both so excited. father has given me many opportunities and i am extatic that i have been blessed this much. i was surpriesed that it got easier to takl to people and i have a true passion for it! we are eating at a doner restaurant and its yummy. of course. updates later. ilove you and miss you
A.C. bridge city
hey yall, today was awesome we had to go pr walk agina until we fel father leading us to talk to someone. well he did. my friend and i talked to 3 girls about everything they were so awesome and we got to tlak to them abour father and everyhting. im so pumped. keep pring for us. love you guys.
T.W. college station
hey guys, i had an amazing day today with father. us three guys talked ot the same guy for 3 and a half hours about our faith. i cant wait for fahter to wokr in this life. i love and miss you all!!
h.g. alvord
hey you guys. today was so awesome. we got to actually talk to people and fahter worked in an amazing way. im meeting the same people tomorrow to talk some more about father and im so excited. continue to pr because ther are some great opportunities here. i miss and love all of you so much
O.R.F corrigan
i have some great news today. me and some other guys started talking to this guy. we got ont he subject of religion and he doesnt believe in father. we pr ed for him and he agree to meet with us and hang out tomorrow. pr that fahter will convict him. today we talked to him from 2 to 5:30 pm. lets hope we have the same result tomorrow.
M.C. cleburne
well today was a great day i got to talk to 2 people who honestly did not believe in father. i woule like those who read this blog to pr for them. one was a teacher who said she didnt need father. the other was a travel agent. pr that father will work in their lives so that they will realized their is a God and they do need him.
A.C.V. big lake
hallo, today was amazing. H and I went together and we talked to 3 girls for 1.5 hours. 2 girls for about 20 minutes (she is going to meet us tomorrow) and 2 other girls for about 30 minutes who are going to call us sometime. some people are really open about being athiest or whatever. but please be in pr that everyone would be like that. well we are about to go get some eis. so ill write again later
L.M.N. lubbock
i talked to a university student named J today. she is a business major and is taking final exams. please pr for her and for father to show me more students to speak to.
R.P. Dickinson
hey dickinson, today was an awesome day. we split up into 2 and we went back to the park ane we got to talk to a few people. i really didnt get to talk to them long because i was getting to scared. but i need to try really hard to be really obedient to father so tomorrow i am not going to be afraid because i am used to it now. pr for me to be humble and get a relationship with the people i meet. i love you so much.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
HMH san angelo
i got roommates. there names are H,C, and S. the beds are amazingly soft and i slept great last night. we finally got ot get in bed around 9ish after a long day. so when i woke up this morning i was so refreshed no more jet lag. we pr walked todya for 5 hours. it was so amazing. indescribable. my feet arent as tired as i thought they would be, but they are a little. the weather was great today. yesterday it poured on us. there are many students at our park. i am so excited about tomorrow and anything father puts in my path. i have taken several pictures (not) a lot actually my camera actually died form so much usage yesterday. i love my trek, we are really close and laugh a lot. we are eating dinner right now at an italian restaurant. its actually pretty good. love you and more updates later.
M.C. Cleborne
well today we went pr wlaking for five hours at a park. when i first went walking at the park i was a little scared. i have never pr walked with others for that long. i learned so much abour pring for others today. i had so much fun pring for others i learned so much about myself and my other team members. i pred for so many people today and believe that each one of them will now or someday be touched by father in some way in their life.
T.B.B. early
i got my lost luggage back yay. thank you for pring for rest. the prs really worked. today we went to our park that we will be pring for an meeting pepole. we walked around in groups of 2 or 3 breaking up after every hour. and pred for nearly 5 hours. tomorrow we will actuallyu be working on talking to people. so pr that father will bring people to the park. and that we will know who to tlak to. thanks love you! :D
A.C. bridge city
hey you guys. we woke up this morning and had sandwiches for breakfast. we had worship and went in our groups in the afternoon we went to the park and did a pr wlak for hte rest of the day. father definately taught me a lot about pr. i noticed today everyone is in shape because every one wlaks everywhere or wons a bike and there arent any trucks at all. crazyness. i love the culture here. its so different. peace out.
A.C.B. big lake
hey everybody. happy birthday austin!! its going really good here everyone slept great last night and was pretty refreshed today. this morning we slept until 8 then had a meeting time with the M and he told us what to expect today. after lunch we went to a park and pr walked for 4 hours. it was really awesome. while pring i was able to almost fully know what to expect for tomorrow and the rest of the days. im super excited. well continue keeping us in yalls prs and ill write tomorrow.
R.P. Dickinson
hey home. i am having a great time here. we wnet today to the park in koln and had a pr walk for 4 hours. it was amazing last night i slept well after being awak for 32 hours yesterday. i was up at 6:30 on monday at home and when i cam to germany i went to sleep at 8:45 pm. add seven hours to home. i dont know but haha i dindt get any sleep till 8:45 so 32 hours. well i will see you next week.
H.G. alvord
hey everybody, im having a great time. today we spent about 4 hours pr walking in the park which is basically just walking around the park with a friend and pring for the people. it looks like were just having a conversation. 4 hours is a long time, but it was actually pretty fun and it flew by fast. the park is where my trek is ogin got be all week making friends with the people in teh area. okay anyway thats what i did today. i love all of you so much and i cant wait to get back home next week. oh and also the food here is really good and a lot of people ride bikes here and ive only seen 2 trucks. its weird. love you guys.
T.W. college station
hey guys having a really great itme with father in germany. today a couple of guys on the m trip and i pr walked through a park. we prayed for a lot of people and ourselves. i am having an amazing time. i love yall and miss yall. love you ann and family too
J.R.F. corrigan
hey guys. today again was amazing. our groups spot is the park so our job the whole week is to pr, talk, and pr agian at the park. hey gran, makd sure you tell my favorite cousin (your know her name) that i havent forgot her jersey. to my church- thank you for pring for me. you have no idea how much it is helping. i will give yall the full story when i get back. see yal
L.M.N lubbock
we pr walked in the park all afternoon. we prepared the area through pr for us to start to talk to people tomorrow. pr for father to lead us to those we should reach out to.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Hey guys I wanted to say right now I havnt slept in 30hrs lam so beat. Well tomorrow is going to be a great day. Oh yeah the sights I saw were amazing.
T.W. college station
hallo. i am having a great time in germany. i cant wait to get started with Gods ancient work in koln. today we had a scavenger hunt through the city to get to know the city. i love and miss all of you
T.B.B Early
our ten hour flight was pretty intense. haha especially with a 7 hour time difference making it 8 in the morning when we landed. today we practiced riding the trains around town and finding our own way. there are so many cool things to see! ive taken a lot of picutres keep up the Pr's. most importantly that jet lag wont be an issue. i love you all. thanks for you PR's
A.C.V Big Lake
hey everyone. we got here at about 8 am (1 am our time) and were doing okay. jet lag is not very fun but we are learning the city to keep us awake. its pretty different here, so PR we will all be able to conform to their ways so we can build relationships. keep us all in your PR's that we will stay rested and give him all the glory.
A.C. Bridge city
hey everyone. today has already been an amazing experience. at first it was a little rocky from the motion sickness and all but everything around me is so awesome. we did a scavenger hunt to get to know the city more. saw the largest music store in europe and ate the best ice cream ever. im so thrilled to see what God has planned for us here. please PR for us and i love you all so very much.
H.M.H San antonio
wow! base camp was absolutely crazy. you would never be able to imagine the craziness of everything we had to do. my trek group is amazing a ton of fun to be around. i have made some sweet bonds with a few of the girls. i still dont know my room mates here at the hostel yet. as for that 10 hour plane ride.. stinking crazy! i could not sleep at all, but it has been a lot of fun laughing at each other today as we tried not to fall over. we toured the city today and start our business tomorrow. im so excited. the dom aka cathedral is beautiful. we will eat dinner tonight with our trek than finally get some much needed sleep. undates later. i love you
M.C. Cleburne
Well today was hard. i spent 10 hours on a plane then one hour on a train with no sleep at all. although i felt like i had nothing left, God gave me the energy to move on and keep going. we went on a hunt through the town and this moment i am so happy that God gave me the energy to move on and see the town.
O.R.F Corrigan
hey guys, base camp was amazing I would tell you more, but i can tell you all of it when i get back. the 9 hour flight here was boring. but germany is exciting, beautiful and amazing. once again thank you everyone who has been PRing for me. ill keep you updated.
H.G. Alvord
first of all i love you guys. today was our first day in germany and its been so much fun. we've been having a scavenger hunt for different places so we've seen guite a bit. we just got through walking up the stairs of the catholic dome and that place is huge. so far everything is great and i cant wait to see what God is going to do this week!