Saturday, July 14, 2007

LA Ashdown, AR

Hallo!! Everything in a nutt shell is really hard to describe to you, but God has been all over us teaching us about flexability and how everything is ultimatly for His glory! We made it through base camp, we had ssafe travel, and we are now ready to go do what we have been preparing for since last year! I cna't wait to tell you more when i get home! I love you and your on my heart!

SH Davis, OK

We got here safe and flight was good. Today we walked around the city and saw new amazing things. It was fun Bye for now

CB Okeene, OK

hey, we all got here safely! When we first got here we went out into town. It was alot of walking, but it as a blast.

LS Weleetka, OK

My legs are killing me. We just did a lot of walking today. I know kind of how to get places here, now.

JJS Seminole, OK

Well, Europe is awesome! I was completely exhausted but Germany made me come alive. The people while "different" seem to be friendly. I'm excited to do work over here, and watch God's plans unfold. OH and by the way, and family members or Seminolians reading this, I love you all! ( :

BT Lawton, OK

Long first day, but I've already had many wonderful experiences. i am already in love with the people and the food! I can't wait to see what God has in store for this week. Thanks for the prayers.

KT Tulsa, OK

Hey Fam! We got here safe and everything is going great so far. I can't wait to see all that the Lord has in store for us. Miss you!

CC Lawton, OK

we learned how to use the subways and trains today. It's very easy to get lost. We also had an oppurtunity to pray together and alone for the people of Cologne.

AW Newalla, OK

Awesome day, awesome city. S you would love it. Tour was exciting finding and communicating or way around. The people are great. The catherdral is amazing pictures didn't do it justice. My students are great, I already want to bring them back w/ our youth. I nervously, successfully led 32 people through the Newark and Cologne airports. Passports, Customs, luggage we all made administartive rock turned over. I'm pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed the city the culture. Pray dad leads w/ I follow to bring people closer to himself. i feel overwhelmed to be used.