Thursday, July 13, 2006
Today was an absolute blessing. Ethan and I met M. He is such a cool guy. Pr that he would come to the Lord through an opportunity that God provides. He believes in God but I'm not sure if he has trusted Him yet. The Holy Spirit is working through our pr's. May God bless you all, and to my family: Ich lieben dich! In God's holy and mighty name, Tschuss...
KN, Cordell, OK
Today was great! We learned how to do LTG's which was really cool. I pr walked most of the day, my pr life has grown so much since I've been here. Tomorrow is our last day at our park. Thank you to all who are pr-ing. I miss my family very much. Love you all!
HW, Homing, OK
Today was alright but it wasn't as great as the other days. So please pr for tomorrow to be better. chuss
SMS, Burnsflat, OK
I'm really excited because we learned about LTG's today and I really can't wait to get home and try it. I'm also kinda sad because tomorrow is our last day at our park but we are having a picnic with the people we met so it will be fun. Please keep us in your pr's.
CS, Chickasha, OK
We have been so blessed with the morning worship. Today one of the m's shared with us about Samson. We have also been discussing plowing, sowing, reaping, and vintaging. Please pr for the m's and interns here. They work very hard and have been such a blessing. Tomorrow where is a picnic planned. We have been inviting a lot of people to attend. Please pr for God's will to be done. Thanks for your continued pr support. Can't wait to share when we get back.
PS Did not see the friends I met yesterday. I have another opportunity tomorrow.
PS Did not see the friends I met yesterday. I have another opportunity tomorrow.
EP, Mustang, OK
Today, me and B met a guy named M and we basically hung-out with him all day. We also invited him to the picnic tomorrow and he said he would come. Keep on pr-ing for me Love ya guys.
P.S. God really does work in strange ways.
P.S. God really does work in strange ways.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
CS-Chickasha, OK
What a great day! EP, BH, and I had the opportunity to share with a Muslim man. We will probably see him again. Please pray for more opportunities. I also shared the plan of slavation with a lady. She wanted to read the verses in her German bible. Please pray for her. Tomorrow is KN's birthday. Please pray for her. KS and BL-still having an awesome time.
KN - Cordell, OK
I'm really tired today but our group had a great day. We all got the chance to have a conversation with someone. Only 3 days left! Wow, this week has really flown by because we're always busy doing something. Please pray for the city of Cologone and also Dusseldorf. There are so many lost people but they are all so willing to talk to us Americans. Being here makes me feel very fortunate for what I have (like air conditioning!) Love you and miss you all.
TP-Noble, OK
Hello everyone, God is doing great things. Once we have aquired some of the customs it is easier to blend in, and make friends. I am in a neighboring city for the day in a beautiful park. I have met many people, and many have shared their stories. I miss you mom and dad. Love ya!
EP Mustang, OK
We went to the park today and I talked to a Muslum man and we gave him a bible. I also got a chance to play soccer with some kids and we are gonna meet up again on friday. Thanks for the prs. Dont stop!
HW-Homin, OK
Hallo! Today was very good. On the way to Dusseldorf me, M, m and s. Shared with a lday and gave her a bible. We made a lot of other contacts so please be praying for us.
JNB Marlow, OK
Hello everyone I got to meet M yesterday and 2 young boys today. It is hot here and no AC I have been doing a lot of prwalking around the park that we have been at.
SMS Burns Flat, OK
Today was amazing. On our train MM and HW and me were sitting with this woman and we started talking with her. Then we just started talking about the bible and we explained how God can save her and stuff and she sounded really excited so we gave her a bible, a bookmark and this booklet explaining how to become a Christian. It was so amazing. So please pr for her and each of the teams that God will just give us plenty of opportunities. I love and miss my family very much and I love them.
The best part of today was riding the train. We witnessed to a young girl around 25 who was open to talking to us. It started out really random because my group was all looking at the gifts we brought and I grabbed the bookmarks I made that had proverbs 3:5-6. I was sitting in front of the lady so I was like hey do you want a bookmark? And she was like yea sure then H asked her if she knew what it meant. We opened the Bible and explained it to her then got our tracks out and shared the gospel. It was just so awesome to see that God loves us and wants to use us. He doesn't need us, but he wants us to be his tools which is way cool if we dont try to get in the way. I am learning to just pedal the bike and let him drive.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
BH, Oneasse, OK
Today was my first day on the field. We (E, M, S, K, and I met a man named J and his son named Benedict. We played soccer for about 40 minutes and talked for about the same. We're not sure of his religion. So pr that someone would be given the chance to mention Jesus to him and his son. Others to pr for: S (met on train) & S (met in airport). Thanks again to everyone back home! Auf Wiedersen...
Hey everybody! I'm having a FABULOUS time in Germany - now that I finally got here! We ended up spending 8 hrs. In the Frankfurt airport waiting for a flight, so now I know OKC, Denver, and Frankfurt very well! I'll write more in an e-mail later! I love ya guys! God bless
TP, Noble, Oklahoma
Hallo everyone, Mom & Dad I miss you! We are having a blast, but everyone is a little tired. I love you.
KN, Cordell, OK
Today, me and SS talked with a woman and began a friendship. A few of us also played soccer (or football) with a man and his son. It's been an awesome day. I'm really tired but its all worth it. Mom, check your email. love and miss you all.
MEM, Custercity, OK
The past two days have been great! Our team is really working hard together and God has given us a lot of opportunities to talk to people, and we are all stepping out of our comfort zones. This week God has opened up my eyes to see that God doesn't need us, but we desperately need Him. We have the priveledge to be His tools though and that's why He calls us to missions.
~Acts 17:25
Italian ice cream is amazing.
~Acts 17:25
Italian ice cream is amazing.
SMS, Burnsflat, OK
Please pr for me and KN and HW because today we met a woman so pr that she will come back to the park and we will be able to talk with her more.
CS, Chickasha, OK
The Blue Team had another great day! We all had conversations with people who live here. They are very kind and open to share about their culture with us. We are working to build relationships. In morning worship we watched a video with lots of quotes. There was one I really liked.
"The mark of a great church is not its seating capacity, but its sending capacity."
Thank you SBC for sending, supporting, and praying for us.
KS and BL are doing great. I have been blessed by all our students.
"The mark of a great church is not its seating capacity, but its sending capacity."
Thank you SBC for sending, supporting, and praying for us.
KS and BL are doing great. I have been blessed by all our students.
HW, Homing, OK
Today was sweet. Me, KN, and SS met a lady and talked to her today and she might come back tomorrow so be in pr for that. Last night I talked to a kid at the hostel and he is coming back to talk tonight so be in pr for that also. Keep us all in your pr's. hi mom
EP, Mustang, OK
We went to the park today and walked around to meet people and play soccer. We met this guy named Johnny and his son Benedict and they let us play soccer with them. I'm finally over my jet lag so tomorrow I should be fully adjusted to the time. Pr for opportunities. Love ya
Monday, July 10, 2006
HW - Homday, OK
Today was awesome! Today we pr walked. Me, CH, and L E P pr-ed with an older couple. The lady was catholic and the man said he didn't believe in God. Please Keep us in your pr's.
E.P Mustang, OK
Well I got some rest and I feel better. We went to a park today and pw and I also got the opportunity to pray to an older German couple. Tomorrow we get to really interact with people. We're going back to the some park tomorrow and meet some people. Can't wait! Pray for opportunities and some more rest. Love ya.
KN, Cordell, OK
Today my team went to a park outside of Cologne where we will be all week. It's the most beautiful, peaceful place I've ever seen. Two other girls and I went pr-walking and spoke with a german man and pr-d for him. The phone doesn't work well but I'll try to call on my birthday. Love you all, please continue to pr for me and the city of Cologne.
B.H. Owasse, OK
Today we finally arrived in Germany. We rode the train to the hostel and then left to roam around town. We saw alot of cool stuff and people. We went inside the Dom all the way to the top. We ate dinner at a german fast food place and now we are sitting on the DOm steps listening to live tribal music. be back later.
I.M Noble
Hello everyone, today was fun, Today I p.r walked a park. Funny how time flies when you do that. I miss all you guys back home, but I'll see you soon.
CS, Chickasha, OK
We have had a great day today working on a firm foundation for our week by pr-ing over the area where we will be each day. We are working in a beautiful park in Dusseldorf (just outside Cologne). I am blessed to have the opportunity to work with such an incredible group of students and our interns. We are becoming train veterans. Our team is pr-ing each day for our . We miss you!!! We are so appreciative of your support for our journey. We also are very grateful for our pr warriors and church families for your support and encouragement. Please pr for us to have lots of energy. We are adjusting to the 7 hour time difference. KS is having a great time with her team too! We look forward to BL being here today.
SMS, Burnsflat, OK
Today was amazing. We went out pr walking and my group actually got to pr for someone. I can't wait to see what else God has in store for us. I miss my family very much and I can't wait to see them. Please just keep us in your pr's.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
C.S. Chickasha, OK
Cologne is a beautiful city with lots of history. Some of the buildings are very old as compared to buildings in America. The poel have been very helpful as they noticed us trying to figure out how to use the transit system. In addition to cars many use the subway, trains and ride bikes. Even in their work clothes. We have heard severed languages and have heard severed languages and have had fun figuring out what to eat. The M's and JSI's have greeted us with a very warm welcome and have worked hard in orienting us to the city. There is lots of excitement in the air centered around the world cup finals in berlin. The people really love soccer. We visited the Cathedral and people in shape make it to the top. I enjoyed turning around at the halfway point. I think God has lots of exciting thing in store for us. Thankyou for your prayers!
A.C. Sand Springs, OK
Today we went around the city. I had lamb for the first time. I'm really excited abot the work we are going to be doing. This city is beautiful
EP, Mustang, OK
Long day. Tired! PRay for strength and energy for tomorrow. Sorry its short, it will be longer next time. Oh, and when I say tired, I mean up for 35 hours. Love ya!
TP, Noble, Oklahoma
Hi everyone. I cannot believe that I am in Germany. The scenery is beautiful. Today, I climbed the Dome Cathedral. It was 1018 steps. The view was worth every step! To my family - I love you, and hope you're safe. God will do great things. Please pray for strength, and that in everything. God's will be followed. God bless.